Defensive Zone Positioning in Hockey: 7 Helpful Tips

Hockey is a fast-paced game that rarely slows. Because of this, it can be challenging for young players to learn where to position themselves on the ice. Fortunately, there is a limited amount of space on the ice, so there are only so many places to get positioned. And, there are plenty of ways to … Read more

The Different Goalie Styles in Hockey: Pros & Cons for each

Hockey goaltending is not a one-size-fits-all position. In fact, there are two very different styles of goaltending and they can be used in tandem. Goalies tend to develop their own styles and they become quite adept at that one style. There are significant pros and cons to each. Even though there are different styles, the … Read more

Goalie Hand-eye Coordination: 6 Drills to Stop More Pucks

Goalies have one of the most challenging positions in all of sports. They are tasked with keeping a tiny black puck from entering a rather large goal. And, they have to do with it while being covered from head to toe in pads. To add to the difficulty, they have to do it on incredibly … Read more

Hockey Stickhandling Tips & Drills: 9 Ways to Improve

Hockey is a sport that requires constant practice. From skating skills to puck handling, there is always something to learn. Just like there is always something to learn, there is always someone who has something to teach. Puck handling is one of the most important skills for hockey players, who need to be able to … Read more